Some reading piquing my interest this week:
- Nestlé Wants to Sell You Both Sugary Snacks and Diabetes Pills - Bloomberg
Sequoia Fund, Hurt by Valeant Stake, Readies to Face Its Investors - WSJ
(Side Note: After being closed to new investors for many years, the Sequoia Fund recently opened its doors to new investors. Their failed investment in Valeant led to massive outflows. The best part isn't necessarily the opportunity to invest in the fund, but rather the invite to their annual meeting (that comes with an investment) where they discuss value investing strategy and their various portfolio holdings in depth.)
The $2 Trillion Project to Get Saudi Arabia’s Economy Off Oil - Bloomberg
Warren Buffett’s 1998 talk at the University of Florida - YouTube
Google has run away with the web search market and almost no one is chasing - Quartz
ESPN Is Still the King of TV Land—But its Empire Is Shrinking - Fortune
Company Profile: TransDigm Group - Rational Walk